
Raw Food Cleanse

06/22/2015 12:37

You can’t turn back the Clock. But you can wind it Up again. Bonnie Prudden

Raw food cleanse is designed for gentler cleansing, that will help you to avoid unpleasant detoxification symptoms, yet still allowing you to detox and cleanse your body from toxins, sludge and chemicals. Each day includes 32oz of fresh organic raw juices, 16oz smoothie, 2 1-2oz elixirs, and 2 gourmet raw food meals. Your Raw food cleanse will be tailored and customized to your health, ailements and goals.

Raw foods help to reduce the burden on your body and create an internal environment that is able to healing. When we eat processed, non-organic, low nutrient foods we create a very acidic, inflamed, low-oxygen, toxic and nutrient deficient environment that doesnt support health and healing. The body than becomes so busy working on trying to repair and clear toxins that it cannot focus on deeper healing. The result of poor nutrition is low energy, a weakened immune system, chronic and degenerative disease, inflammation and premature aging.

Science now proves that cooking not only destroys nutrition and enzymes but chemically changes foods from the substances needed for health into acid-forming toxins, free-radicals and poisons that destroy our health! when you eat more cooked food you are consuming acidic toxins faster than your body can eliminate them so they back up, disrupting your body’s delicate acid/alkaline balance, a major cause of excess weight and disease. Heating food above 118 degrees F, causes chemical changes that create acidic toxins, including the carcinogens, mutagens and free-radicals associated with diseases like diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Cooking also destroys the live enzymes that aid in digestion and health.

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Carrot Juice

Here's my favorite carrot juice recipe. I make this juice almost every morning. Very quick and easy:


1 lbs large carrots (washed and peeled)
1/2 lemon (peeled)
few green leafs such as red lettuce or carrot greens
1 apple

Put all ingredients in your juicer. (A centrifuge juicer is easiest for carrots.) Mix. Drink immediately.

I peel the carrot for taste (otherwise it tastes too earthy). I find this recipe sweet enough, but if you're a beginner juicer or have a sweet tooth, add an apple for extra sweetness.

The health benefits of carrot juice? It provides Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals (including calcium). Great for pregnant and nursing mothers, eyesight, bones and teeth, liver and nails, skin and hair as well as helping in breast and skin cancer prevention.

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Vegetable Juicing Benefits and Recipes

06/18/2015 17:14

Way before it was cool to juice, Jay Cordich was doing it on your TV at two in the morning with his flashy new Power Juicer. He was the original Juice Nut (and was better looking, too). The reason he juiced his veggies is there is simply no way you can eat 10 carrots, a large bag of spinach, 5 celery stalks, a red pepper, two garlic cloves, and half a cucumber—all raw—but you can drink all of those vegetables in five minutes in the form of juice. A juicer does the work of having to chew through all that fiber to get to the nutrients, depositing veggie goodness into a glass as pretty as you please. There is simply no way to get so many nutrients and antioxidants into the cells as effectively as juicing. Multivitamins may look impressive on paper but so does your pretty pee an hour after taking them. Drink all the color-rich veggie juice you can stomach and your pee will run as clear as a mountain stream because all that phytochemical magic is getting where it belongs—into your cells.

Rule of thumb: fruit is high in vitamins; veggies are high in minerals. I know it’s easy to drink more fruit juice than veggie juice, but don’t do that. A balance of both will provide the widest spectrum of nutrients, including cancer-fighting, detoxifying phytochemicals.

As for the greens you will be juicing, you can add as many as you dare, because greens have so few calories they do not even have to be counted. As long as it’s—you guessed it—green, they’re all good. The darker green, the better. Forget about juicing iceberg lettuce; you might as well be juicing styrofoam.  The darker the color, the better.

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Vegetable Juice Recipe
Spinach Juice

This juice recipe is perfect for starters of veggie juicing. It's soft and sweet. Very tasty. Not bitter or strong at all.

1 bunch spinach
2 apples
1/2 lemon, peeled (optional)

Put all ingredients in your juicer. A twin gear juicer such as the Green Star Juicer is best for extracting greens.

Mix well and enjoy.

You don't have to add the lemon, it's good enough without it. But I just love lemon, so I always add a little.
Jamba Juice Recipe
Wheat Grass Juice w Orange

Jamba Juice has a great wheat grass juice recipe: They serve their wheat grass with a slice of orange. I really like that idea. It makes the wheat grass a little fancier. And in case you don't like the taste of wheat grass - after finishing your juice, you can take a bite of the orange!

Wheat grass is so good for you! It has most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human health. It is a complete protein with about 30 enzymes. It has up to 70% chlorophyll (which builds the blood). It's an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. And it's one of the best alkaline foods.

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How will You Use a Food Processor ?

06/09/2015 12:47


More advanced stage of raw food diet 

To eat grains ,legumes nuts and seeds raw you can sprout them and dehydrate them, this allows them to retain their enzyme. 

You may want to buy dehydrator ,a vegetable juicer and blender to be able to create as many raw food recipes as possible.

Be sure to eat foods that are rich in calcium ,iron and vitamin B 12, which people eating a vegetarian diet can often become deficient in. 

rawfoodand KITCHEN has some interesting to share about the best vegetable juicer in the market, why not take a look there.

Finally people on raw food diet report, there body become more alkaline so they have less illness. They have increased energy levels; need less sleep at night. Has better clarity of mind and increased ability to focus. Their skin becomes clear, they often lose weight. They enjoy the true flavor of nature’s foods without any msg and artificial flavorings.

In this video, raw food chef and author Jennifer Cornbleet introduces you to the food processor, an essential appliance from her raw food kitchen. She demonstrates how easy this appliance makes it to process even tough vegetables easily to use in raw food recipes from her book Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People.

When you need to slice or shred a large quantity of veggies, nothing beats a food processor. In this lively demonstration video, Jennifer shows you that using a food processor is much faster than slicing by hand, and it takes all the effort out of grating or shredding.
