How will You Use a Food Processor ?

06/09/2015 12:47


More advanced stage of raw food diet 

To eat grains ,legumes nuts and seeds raw you can sprout them and dehydrate them, this allows them to retain their enzyme. 

You may want to buy dehydrator ,a vegetable juicer and blender to be able to create as many raw food recipes as possible.

Be sure to eat foods that are rich in calcium ,iron and vitamin B 12, which people eating a vegetarian diet can often become deficient in. 

rawfoodand KITCHEN has some interesting to share about the best vegetable juicer in the market, why not take a look there.

Finally people on raw food diet report, there body become more alkaline so they have less illness. They have increased energy levels; need less sleep at night. Has better clarity of mind and increased ability to focus. Their skin becomes clear, they often lose weight. They enjoy the true flavor of nature’s foods without any msg and artificial flavorings.

In this video, raw food chef and author Jennifer Cornbleet introduces you to the food processor, an essential appliance from her raw food kitchen. She demonstrates how easy this appliance makes it to process even tough vegetables easily to use in raw food recipes from her book Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People.

When you need to slice or shred a large quantity of veggies, nothing beats a food processor. In this lively demonstration video, Jennifer shows you that using a food processor is much faster than slicing by hand, and it takes all the effort out of grating or shredding.

